Ajijic Weather

What is the weather like in Ajijic?

The coolest months of Ajijic weather are December and January with an average daytime high temperature of 24°c/75° f  but it has been known to dip down to 15°c/60°f  at times.

February and March are very pleasant months with an average daytime temperature in the high 20’s celcius/70’s fahrenhiet. There are blue skies every day and it would be very rare to see a drop of rain.

April starts to heat up with May being the warmest, driest and dustiest month having had literally no rain to speak of for 8 months. The temperature is well into the high 20 °c/ 80° f and can soar into the 30°c/90° f. Although the sun can be very intense with hardly any clouds in the sky, the air is quite comfortable. You will find at least a 10-degree change in the temperature just by moving into the shade.

Mid-June to mid-October brings the much needed rainy season with an average rainfall of approximately 86cm/34 inches. The days usually remain warm and sunny as the majority of rain falls in the evening, throughout the night or early morning, occasionally accompanied by some wicked thunderstorms with great light shows. The mountains become alive with vivid shades of green, and misty clouds floating elegantly between the ranges. Many say they look like broccoli or Hawaii. Just when you think the village could not get more colourful, the plants and gardens become even more abundant with bursts of fantastic colour and new growth.

November is just another great month being very lush following the rainy season with temperatures much like February.

For the most part, year round, the days are warm and sunny with an average temperature of 24°c/75° f.  Where else can you plan an outdoor party or event in advance and not have to worry what the weather will be like that day.  Ajijic weather may be rated number two in the world, but if you take into consideration the close proximity to Guadalajara International Airport, many rate it number one for a perfect travel destination.

Chart showing average monthly weather, temperatures and precipitation for Ajijic, Mexico.

“Your source for information about Ajijic weather and the climate of Lake Chapala, Mexico.”

Horse tied up outside the Chameleon Bar in Ajijic, Mexico.

Events and Holidays

February 5th - Constitution Day
Benito Juárez Birthday - 3rd Monday in March
Labor Day - May 1
Independence Day - September 16
Mother's Day - May 10th
Day of the Dead - November 2
Revolution Day - the third Monday in
November 12th - Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe Christmas Day - December 25